Coach Donavon DC

Songwriting Structures & Songwriting.

I have been a songwriter for over 25 years, the author of 2 music books, a recording music artist, the founder of creativity & life coaching services, etc.

When I started years ago, I didn't know how to write a (Chorus, Verse, A Complete Song).


I have done the hard work for you in this course, so you won't struggle like I did.


“4” Twins Songwriting Structures Online Course

“ALL Songs Don’t Start The Same”.

“ALL Songs Don’t End The Same”.

You will get clarity of the regular songwriting structures by songwriters and music artists. You will also learn how to write different songs with the structures I share in the course.

“Music Is The General Language of People Globally”.- Coach Donavon DC

Retake this course?
Retaking this course from the beginning will reset all of your tracked progress.

“Songwriting: There's More Than One Way To Structure A Song”.

A structure is important for anything, in order to be productive and successful.

I know you agree with me on that statement right?

3 Tips Below 

  • An idea can turn into a written song.     

  • One written song can lead to many more songs based on what I have shown you in the course.

  • One music project accomplished can lead to more projects.

Musicians Pattern (Songwriters, Music Producers, Music Artists, Beat Makers).

ALL written songs, recorded songs, beat makers, and music artists’ performances are done in (4) different ways, based on the structures you have learned in the educational course. The songwriter or the beat makers mostly start the pattern.


Check out my 10+ songwriting structures digital book for more.

Exploring 10+ Songwriting Structures
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